Friday, December 27, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
1. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your presence at this Summit Meeting of Muslim Leaders and Scholars and their followers.
2. I would like to explain briefly the objectives of this Summit. We are not here to discuss about religion but instead the state of affairs in the Muslim world.
3. We all know that the Muslims, their religion and their countries are in a state of crisis. Everywhere we see Muslim countries being destroyed, their citizens forced to flee their countries, forced to seek refuge in non-Muslim countries. Many thousands, die during their fight and many more were refused asylum.
4. On the other hand, we see Muslims perpetrating violent acts, killing innocent victims, men, women, children, the sick and the incapacitated. They have done this because their own countries are unable to provide security for them or do anything to retake the land that has been seized by others. Frustrated and angry, they react violently without in any way achieving their objectives.
5. They seek revenge but all they succeed in doing is to bring into disrepute their own religion of Islam. They have created fear by their actions. And now this Islamophobia, this unjustified fear of Islam has denigrated our religion in the eyes of the world.
6. But we need to know how this fear is generated, whether it is true or mere propaganda of our detractors or a combination of both.
7. Then we have to deal with fratricidal wars, civil wars, failed Governments and many other catastrophes that have plagued the Muslim Ummah and Islam without any serious effort being made to end or reduce them or to rehabilitate the religion.
8. Yes, Islam, the Muslims and their countries are in a state of crisis, helpless and unworthy of this great religion which is meant to be good for mankind.
9. It is for these reasons that the Summit Meeting is organised. At the very least, through our discussion we may find what went wrong. We may even find solutions, if not to end these catastrophes at least to awaken the Islamic world, the Ummah of the need to recognise the problems and their causes. Understanding the problems and their causes may enlighten us on the way to overcome or mitigate the disasters that have befallen the Ummah.
10. We have seen other countries devastated by the Second World War not only recovering quickly but growing strongly to become developed. But a few Muslim countries seem unable even to be governed well, much less to be developed and prosper.
11. Is it our religion that is in the way? Is it that Islam is against worldly success and becoming a developed country? Or is it the Muslim themselves who prevent their countries from being governed well, from being developed.
12. These issues will be discussed at the highest levels of the state but involving only to a few countries for a start. It is not possible to handle the whole of the Muslims countries worldwide as it will be unwieldy and decisions made and solutions proposed may not be implementable.
13. We are not discriminating or isolating anyone. We are attempting to start small and if these ideas, proposals and solutions are acceptable and proved workable, then we hope to take it up to the larger platform for consideration.
14. Despite that, we have also invited almost all Muslim nations to participate in this summit albeit at different levels.
15. We await to hear the views and wisdom of the distinguished participants. We pray that through this summit we will go a little way forward towards solving our problems.
16. May Allah S.W.T. bless us with success in this small endeavour to restore the glory that was once accorded our religion of Islam.
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ucapan tun m kl summit
1. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your presence at this Summit Meeting of Muslim Leaders and Scholars and their followers.
2. I would like to explain briefly the objectives of this Summit. We are not here to discuss about religion but instead the state of affairs in the Muslim world.
3. We all know that the Muslims, their religion and their countries are in a state of crisis. Everywhere we see Muslim countries being destroyed, their citizens forced to flee their countries, forced to seek refuge in non-Muslim countries. Many thousands, die during their fight and many more were refused asylum.
4. On the other hand, we see Muslims perpetrating violent acts, killing innocent victims, men, women, children, the sick and the incapacitated. They have done this because their own countries are unable to provide security for them or do anything to retake the land that has been seized by others. Frustrated and angry, they react violently without in any way achieving their objectives.
5. They seek revenge but all they succeed in doing is to bring into disrepute their own religion of Islam. They have created fear by their actions. And now this Islamophobia, this unjustified fear of Islam has denigrated our religion in the eyes of the world.
6. But we need to know how this fear is generated, whether it is true or mere propaganda of our detractors or a combination of both.
7. Then we have to deal with fratricidal wars, civil wars, failed Governments and many other catastrophes that have plagued the Muslim Ummah and Islam without any serious effort being made to end or reduce them or to rehabilitate the religion.
8. Yes, Islam, the Muslims and their countries are in a state of crisis, helpless and unworthy of this great religion which is meant to be good for mankind.
9. It is for these reasons that the Summit Meeting is organised. At the very least, through our discussion we may find what went wrong. We may even find solutions, if not to end these catastrophes at least to awaken the Islamic world, the Ummah of the need to recognise the problems and their causes. Understanding the problems and their causes may enlighten us on the way to overcome or mitigate the disasters that have befallen the Ummah.
10. We have seen other countries devastated by the Second World War not only recovering quickly but growing strongly to become developed. But a few Muslim countries seem unable even to be governed well, much less to be developed and prosper.
11. Is it our religion that is in the way? Is it that Islam is against worldly success and becoming a developed country? Or is it the Muslim themselves who prevent their countries from being governed well, from being developed.
12. These issues will be discussed at the highest levels of the state but involving only to a few countries for a start. It is not possible to handle the whole of the Muslims countries worldwide as it will be unwieldy and decisions made and solutions proposed may not be implementable.
13. We are not discriminating or isolating anyone. We are attempting to start small and if these ideas, proposals and solutions are acceptable and proved workable, then we hope to take it up to the larger platform for consideration.
14. Despite that, we have also invited almost all Muslim nations to participate in this summit albeit at different levels.
15. We await to hear the views and wisdom of the distinguished participants. We pray that through this summit we will go a little way forward towards solving our problems.
16. May Allah S.W.T. bless us with success in this small endeavour to restore the glory that was once accorded our religion of Islam.
KL Summit: Isu Rohingya cuba diketengahkan
Oleh Fahmy A Rosli
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang etnik Rohingya akan mengedar laporan setebal 94 muka surat kepada pemimpin dan wakil negara Islam yang hadir di Sidang Kemuncak Kuala Lumpur 2019 (KL Summit), esok.
Mewakili usaha itu adalah Presiden Pertubuhan Hak Asasi Manusia Etnik Rohingya Myanmar Malaysia (MERHROM), Zafar Ahmad Abdul Ghani.
Zafar Ahmad berkata, antara kandungan dalam laporan itu adalah fakta sejarah kewujudan etnik minoriti itu dan situasi terkini di Myanmar.
Beliau menegaskan, fakta sejarah yang terkandung dalam laporan itu adalah usaha pihaknya untuk membetulkan tanggapan sesetengah pihak bahawa masyarakat Rohingya adalah Orang Asal di negara itu, bukannya pendatang.
Selaku peserta persidangan ini, beliau berkata, ia menjadi platform terbaik kepadanya untuk menguar-uarkan perkara dan situasi sebenar menimpa etnik Rohingya.
“Saya ada hak untuk bercakap. Sepanjang persidangan ini, saya akan edar buku laporan setebal 94 muka surat yang mengandungi sejarah dan janji. Kami di Rakhine, Myanmar bukan pendatang. Kami Orang Asli di Rakhine.
“Insya-Allah, esok kami juga akan cuba hantar laporan kepada wakil atau ketua negara mengenai situasi yang berlaku terhadap etnik Rohingya. Nasib kami belum terbela dan kami masih ditindas di tanah air sendiri.
“Alhamdulillah, sidang kemuncak ini boleh dijadikan langkah awal buat kami untuk sebar sekali gus memberitahu kepada seluruh dunia situasi getir yang sedang dihadapi etnik Rohingya,” katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di Sidang Kemuncak Belia Kuala Lumpur di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur (KLCC) hari ini.
Mengulas lanjut penganjuran KL Summit 2019 yang akan dipengerusikan oleh Malaysia, Zafar Ahmad berkata, walaupun persidangan ada beberapa isu tertentu, ia perlu dilihat daripada aspek positif untuk pembangunan umat Islam.
Meskipun hanya lima negara terbabit selaku pengasas persidangan ini, katanya, ia langkah permulaan mencari titik penyelesaian sebelum ia berkembang sekali gus menarik lebih banyak penyertaan negara Islam lain pada masa akan datang.
Walaupun banyak kali isu membabitkan penindasan dan pembunuhan beramai-ramai etnik Rohingya di Rohingya bangkitkan ketika Sidang Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC), beliau mendakwa sehingga kini belum ada penyelesaian efektif dilakukan.
“Apa yang saya nampak, negara yang sertai KL Summit esok adalah langkah awal. OIC bila-bila pun boleh bersidang dan mereka pun ramai ahli. Saya harap, Malaysia selaku tuan rumah persidangan ini dapat cari penyelesaian.
“Sidang ini penting untuk ummah, bukan untuk tunjuk siapa bagus atau siapa mahu membayangi siapa. Saya harap persidangan ini dapat medan mengumpulkan umat Islam seluruh dunia untuk bantu membentuk masa depan etnik Rohingya yang lebih terjamin.
“Kami telah cuba membawa isu ini kepada Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ), namun berdepan dengan beberapa cabaran dan halangan. Saya berharap, ummah seluruh dunia boleh bersama-sama membantu membaiki situasi kami,”
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KL Summit
Sidang Kemuncak Kuala Lumpur 2019 bertujuan untuk berbincang dan mencari jalan penyelesaian yang baharu serta berkesan dalam menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang menimpa dunia Islam, di samping menyumbang ke arah memperbaiki keadaan umat Islam serta negara Islam. - Foto hiasan
Oleh Fahmy A Rosli
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang etnik Rohingya akan mengedar laporan setebal 94 muka surat kepada pemimpin dan wakil negara Islam yang hadir di Sidang Kemuncak Kuala Lumpur 2019 (KL Summit), esok.
Mewakili usaha itu adalah Presiden Pertubuhan Hak Asasi Manusia Etnik Rohingya Myanmar Malaysia (MERHROM), Zafar Ahmad Abdul Ghani.
Zafar Ahmad berkata, antara kandungan dalam laporan itu adalah fakta sejarah kewujudan etnik minoriti itu dan situasi terkini di Myanmar.
Beliau menegaskan, fakta sejarah yang terkandung dalam laporan itu adalah usaha pihaknya untuk membetulkan tanggapan sesetengah pihak bahawa masyarakat Rohingya adalah Orang Asal di negara itu, bukannya pendatang.
Selaku peserta persidangan ini, beliau berkata, ia menjadi platform terbaik kepadanya untuk menguar-uarkan perkara dan situasi sebenar menimpa etnik Rohingya.
“Saya ada hak untuk bercakap. Sepanjang persidangan ini, saya akan edar buku laporan setebal 94 muka surat yang mengandungi sejarah dan janji. Kami di Rakhine, Myanmar bukan pendatang. Kami Orang Asli di Rakhine.
“Insya-Allah, esok kami juga akan cuba hantar laporan kepada wakil atau ketua negara mengenai situasi yang berlaku terhadap etnik Rohingya. Nasib kami belum terbela dan kami masih ditindas di tanah air sendiri.
“Alhamdulillah, sidang kemuncak ini boleh dijadikan langkah awal buat kami untuk sebar sekali gus memberitahu kepada seluruh dunia situasi getir yang sedang dihadapi etnik Rohingya,” katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di Sidang Kemuncak Belia Kuala Lumpur di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur (KLCC) hari ini.
Mengulas lanjut penganjuran KL Summit 2019 yang akan dipengerusikan oleh Malaysia, Zafar Ahmad berkata, walaupun persidangan ada beberapa isu tertentu, ia perlu dilihat daripada aspek positif untuk pembangunan umat Islam.
Meskipun hanya lima negara terbabit selaku pengasas persidangan ini, katanya, ia langkah permulaan mencari titik penyelesaian sebelum ia berkembang sekali gus menarik lebih banyak penyertaan negara Islam lain pada masa akan datang.
Walaupun banyak kali isu membabitkan penindasan dan pembunuhan beramai-ramai etnik Rohingya di Rohingya bangkitkan ketika Sidang Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC), beliau mendakwa sehingga kini belum ada penyelesaian efektif dilakukan.
“Apa yang saya nampak, negara yang sertai KL Summit esok adalah langkah awal. OIC bila-bila pun boleh bersidang dan mereka pun ramai ahli. Saya harap, Malaysia selaku tuan rumah persidangan ini dapat cari penyelesaian.
“Sidang ini penting untuk ummah, bukan untuk tunjuk siapa bagus atau siapa mahu membayangi siapa. Saya harap persidangan ini dapat medan mengumpulkan umat Islam seluruh dunia untuk bantu membentuk masa depan etnik Rohingya yang lebih terjamin.
“Kami telah cuba membawa isu ini kepada Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ), namun berdepan dengan beberapa cabaran dan halangan. Saya berharap, ummah seluruh dunia boleh bersama-sama membantu membaiki situasi kami,”
Saturday, December 14, 2019
1. First of all, let me start by thanking Dr. Hassan Al Derham, the President of Qatar University for his kind words even though I feel that I do not deserve much of them. Nevertheless, let me reciprocate the warmness of that welcome by expressing my deepest thanks and appreciation to Qatar University for conferring on me this Honorary Doctorate.
2. I am humbled by the acknowledgements and it is indeed a great privilege, not only for me but for my wife, the Government and the people of Malaysia as well. I feel truly honoured. This award that the Qatar University has accorded to me will be remembered as a symbol of the strong bonds between our two countries.
3. As the top university in the country, Qatar University has distinguished itself as the nation’s premier university on many fronts including in the field of Arts and Sciences, Business and Economics, Education, Engineering, Law, Sharia and Islamic Studies. Let me take this opportunity to congratulate Qatar University for this achievement.
4. Malaysia values its friendship with all countries, large or small, irrespective of their systems of government. In return, we only expect mutual respect and regards. We believe in working together towards a conducive environment for global peace, stability, and shared prosperity.
5. Relations between Malaysia and Qatar had remained warm and friendly throughout the years since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1974. Both countries have consistently worked together to broaden and deepen our existing cooperation. I must say that the relation now is at an all-time high.
6. On the multilateral platform, Malaysia and Qatar have cooperated well at various platforms including the United Nations (UN); the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC); and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). We acknowledge the important role of Qatar in these organisations and at the international arena, at large.
7. On the economic front, in 2018, Qatar was Malaysia’s sixth largest export destination and third source of import from the West Asia region. Our trade has increased by 29.3% in 2018 and has shown more improvement this year.
8. My official visit to Qatar, a first since my reappointment as Prime Minister in May last year, bears testament to Malaysia’s desire to strengthen the bonds of friendship for the mutual interest of both our countries.
9. I had the opportunity to have an audience with His Highness the Amir of the State of Qatar yesterday, in which we had an extensive and fruitful discussion on bilateral matters. We also exchanged views on regional and international issues.
10. We are now living in a multipolar world. We are truly interdependent where there is an integration of diversity and creativity among cultures, nations, and economies in the world. National prosperity and security can no longer be secured by any one nation acting in isolation.
11. Today we stand together at the confluence of time. This is the opportune moment to push the envelope of cooperation, collaboration and solidarity further for our mutual benefit.
12. It is my fervent hope that Malaysia and Qatar will continue to maintain these cordial relations that already exist and work towards enhancing closer future relations.
13. Malaysia and Qatar share the same beliefs and commitment with regard to education. Malaysia believes that the pursuit of education is a lifelong process and it is the right of every individual to have access to education. Therefore, I am pleased to have this opportunity to address the students of this University.
14. There is no doubt that the students here today will be the leaders of tomorrow, the next torch bearers of your country and the hope for the future generation.
15. Education enhances one's capability and can be an important determinant in improving one's socio-economic status. I believe universities play a significant role in providing opportunities and support for students to explore new knowledge and realise their potential.
16. To this end, I look forward to see more cooperation and collaboration between Qatar University and the universities in Malaysia.
17. Before I conclude, I would like to once again thank Qatar University for conferring on me the Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy. I deeply treasure this recognition. I will try my level best, to contribute further to the strengthening of Malaysia-Qatar relations.
Thank you.
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tun m terima doktor kehormat
1. First of all, let me start by thanking Dr. Hassan Al Derham, the President of Qatar University for his kind words even though I feel that I do not deserve much of them. Nevertheless, let me reciprocate the warmness of that welcome by expressing my deepest thanks and appreciation to Qatar University for conferring on me this Honorary Doctorate.
2. I am humbled by the acknowledgements and it is indeed a great privilege, not only for me but for my wife, the Government and the people of Malaysia as well. I feel truly honoured. This award that the Qatar University has accorded to me will be remembered as a symbol of the strong bonds between our two countries.
3. As the top university in the country, Qatar University has distinguished itself as the nation’s premier university on many fronts including in the field of Arts and Sciences, Business and Economics, Education, Engineering, Law, Sharia and Islamic Studies. Let me take this opportunity to congratulate Qatar University for this achievement.
4. Malaysia values its friendship with all countries, large or small, irrespective of their systems of government. In return, we only expect mutual respect and regards. We believe in working together towards a conducive environment for global peace, stability, and shared prosperity.
5. Relations between Malaysia and Qatar had remained warm and friendly throughout the years since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1974. Both countries have consistently worked together to broaden and deepen our existing cooperation. I must say that the relation now is at an all-time high.
6. On the multilateral platform, Malaysia and Qatar have cooperated well at various platforms including the United Nations (UN); the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC); and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). We acknowledge the important role of Qatar in these organisations and at the international arena, at large.
7. On the economic front, in 2018, Qatar was Malaysia’s sixth largest export destination and third source of import from the West Asia region. Our trade has increased by 29.3% in 2018 and has shown more improvement this year.
8. My official visit to Qatar, a first since my reappointment as Prime Minister in May last year, bears testament to Malaysia’s desire to strengthen the bonds of friendship for the mutual interest of both our countries.
9. I had the opportunity to have an audience with His Highness the Amir of the State of Qatar yesterday, in which we had an extensive and fruitful discussion on bilateral matters. We also exchanged views on regional and international issues.
10. We are now living in a multipolar world. We are truly interdependent where there is an integration of diversity and creativity among cultures, nations, and economies in the world. National prosperity and security can no longer be secured by any one nation acting in isolation.
11. Today we stand together at the confluence of time. This is the opportune moment to push the envelope of cooperation, collaboration and solidarity further for our mutual benefit.
12. It is my fervent hope that Malaysia and Qatar will continue to maintain these cordial relations that already exist and work towards enhancing closer future relations.
13. Malaysia and Qatar share the same beliefs and commitment with regard to education. Malaysia believes that the pursuit of education is a lifelong process and it is the right of every individual to have access to education. Therefore, I am pleased to have this opportunity to address the students of this University.
14. There is no doubt that the students here today will be the leaders of tomorrow, the next torch bearers of your country and the hope for the future generation.
15. Education enhances one's capability and can be an important determinant in improving one's socio-economic status. I believe universities play a significant role in providing opportunities and support for students to explore new knowledge and realise their potential.
16. To this end, I look forward to see more cooperation and collaboration between Qatar University and the universities in Malaysia.
17. Before I conclude, I would like to once again thank Qatar University for conferring on me the Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy. I deeply treasure this recognition. I will try my level best, to contribute further to the strengthening of Malaysia-Qatar relations.
Thank you.
tun m di qatar
YAB Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad diberikan sambutan rasmi di Amiri Diwan sempena dengan lawatan rasmi empat hari beliau di Qatar. Ketibaan Dr Mahathir di Amiri Diwan pada 11.15 pagi waktu tempatan (4.15 petang waktu KL) disambut Emir Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
Sejurus selepas pertemuan empat mata bersama Emir Qatar, Dr Mahathir dan Sheikh Tamim menyaksikan majlis menandatangani memorandum persefahaman (MoU) bagi penubuhan Jawatankuasa Bersama Peringkat Tinggi antara Menteri Luar kedua-dua negara.
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Sejurus selepas pertemuan empat mata bersama Emir Qatar, Dr Mahathir dan Sheikh Tamim menyaksikan majlis menandatangani memorandum persefahaman (MoU) bagi penubuhan Jawatankuasa Bersama Peringkat Tinggi antara Menteri Luar kedua-dua negara.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
tun m dan ejen ali
Saya dan Hasmah meluangkan masa menonton filem Ejen Ali malam tadi di Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur. Saya dapati filem hasil kreatif Wau Animations ini setanding dengan filem keluaran antarabangsa yang menggunakan teknologi tinggi. Rakyat Malaysia boleh berbangga dengan mutu dan kualiti filem ini. Saya bagi lima bintang! @ GSCinemas
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